Here’s to the Extended Engagements of 2020

If you find yourself still engaged this holiday season,
When you weren’t supposed to be,
With cancelled plans,
But still in love (even after lockdown),
If this was meant to be the first holidays married,
But 2020 had other plans,
If all you want right now is to go to a party,
(Specifically, your own party),
But you know time together is what’s truly important,
If the flowers were cancelled,
And the dress hung back up,
But you kept the venue deposit down,
Because you know it’ll happen someday soon,
Then cheers to you!
Let’s raise a toast to all the extended engagements of 2021.
You’ve taught us something important this year.
And that’s to never, ever give up on love.
Here’s a little holiday card from all of us at Taylor & Hart to say that we’re rooting for you. We’ll get through this together!