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Eternity rings

Browse through our curated selection of eternity rings, suited for any occasion.

Browse our eternity rings

What is an eternity ring?

An eternity ring, also known as an infinity ring, is a type of ring that features a continuous line of diamonds or gemstones set in either a gold or platinum band. An eternity band ring can feature many different types of gemstones, varying in size and shape. An eternity ring can be quite striking, as they are a beautiful row of sparkling diamonds.

An eternity ring is rich in symbolism. The circular shape of the ring is a metaphorical for a love that lasts forever, eternal love and happiness. The circular form represents the circle of life, an eternity ring is a symbol of birth and fertility. As a circle doesn’t end, the ring also is a beautiful signifier for commitment.

When should you give an eternity ring?

Traditionally eternity rings were gifted to mark important milestones in life, separate to weddings and engagements. Eternity rings were gifted to a woman on a significant anniversary, or to a mother after the birth of her first child. Also seen as a fashionable accessory, eternity rings are also gifted on occasions such as birthdays or valentines day, or to make a sparkling addition to someone’s wardrobe!

Anniversary gifts

Eternity rings make a wonderful anniversary gift, and our curated selection of eternity rings are sure to please your partner. Because our eternity rings are so classic and timeless, they would be appropriate for your first anniversary, or your 30th!

Push Presents

What better way to show your appreciation for your partner at such a precious time, than to give her a beautiful eternity ring. Our selection of eternity rings can be engraved and personalised, so feel free to add your child’s birthday dates, or their birthstone.

The trend of proposing with an eternity ring has blossomed, with some people preferring the style over a classic engagement ring. The style is popular with queer couples, who enjoy the unisex appeal of the design. An eternity ring is also popular with men who are looking for something more flamboyant than a simple wedding band, and would like a ring that dazzles!

Can you propose with an eternity ring?

An eternity ring is a great ring to propose with, especially if you feel it would suit your partner’s style the best. Classic engagement rings can be quite feminine in style, and some people prefer the everyday, yet glamorous appeal of eternity rings. As they are designed to last forever, why not propose with an eternity ring?

Bespoke eternity rings

Browse through our gallery of bespoke eternity rings.

marquise diamond eternity ring
Twisted platinum wedding with with sapphire and diamond pavé

Eternity rings vs wedding rings

While an eternity ring can be gifted on many different occasions, a wedding ring is strictly used to signify that a couple are married. While the two differ symbolically, a wedding band can look exactly like an eternity ring. Some wedding bands feature pavé and small diamonds set in the entire band, just like an eternity ring.

You don’t have to be married or even engaged to wear an eternity ring. Even if you’re single and just love the style, why not purchase an eternity ring for yourself? Timeless in design and chic, a diamond eternity ring would make a great addition to your everyday outfit.

Which finger is an eternity ring worn on?

Just like an engagement ring and a wedding band, an eternity ring is worn on the ring finger of the left hand. The ring finger is the third finger, next to your little finger. But if you’re wearing an eternity ring for fashion, wear the ring on whichever finger you like!

How do you wear an eternity ring?

If you’re wearing your eternity ring with your wedding and engagement ring, think about how you want to stack all your rings up to make a jewellery look that is uniquely your own. If you wear your eternity ring on top, your engagement ring will take centre stage in the middle, and your wedding band and eternity ring would come together as a sparkling stack. Likewise, you could also wear your eternity ring first, and then stack your engagement and wedding ring on top. Alternatively, if your eternity band is your wedding band, one of the most common ways people wear it is by stacking the eternity ring on the bottom, and then wearing an engagement ring second, on top. The most important thing is that you find your rings comfortable, so you can wear and show them off every day!

How much should an eternity ring cost?

An eternity ring can vary in cost depending on the type of gemstone, the size and cut of the diamonds used, and metal that is selected. Eternity rings with a larger overall carat weight will be more expensive, while delicate eternity rings will be more affordable. There are different types of eternity rings that could also influence the cost, with half and 3/4 eternity rings being slightly more affordable compared to full eternity rings.

The Camellia

Our Camellia ring, a half eternity wedding band set with 1.3mm is an example of a delicate eternity ring, something chic that will compliment many engagement rings. This eternity ring costs £1,080.

platinum pave wedding band

The Iris

Our Iris ring, a half eternity band featuring 1.5mm princess cut diamonds channel set in yellow gold, costs £1,470. Featuring a clean row of elegant princess cuts, this ring would pair beautifully with a step cut diamond engagement ring, or on its own!

Princess cut diamond yellow gold wedding band

The Peony

One of our larger eternity rings, our Peony ring features 3mm diamonds set in a half eternity rose gold band. This ring costs £2,490.

Rose gold diamond wedding band

Can diamond eternity rings be resized?

If your eternity ring is either a half eternity ring or a 3/4 eternity ring, then you can resize your ring if needed. If your band is a full eternity ring, then unfortunately resizing isn’t possible due to the structure of the diamond settings and the exact measurements of the gemstones within the band size. However, if the ring doesn’t fit and is too large, there is the option to add sizing beads to the inside of the ring. This will prevent the ring from slipping out of place. However, if the ring is too small, you would have to get your ring re-set. The cost of a re-set would depend on the design and level of complexity involved. It is highly recommended that if you are purchasing a full eternity ring, to have your desired finger professionally measured by a design consultant.

Are full eternity rings uncomfortable?

Full eternity rings can run the risk of being uncomfortable to wear. If your eternity ring is slim enough and features diamonds around 1mm, then a full eternity style shouldn’t be a problem. If you would like to feature larger diamonds in the entirety of the ring, then it might be more comfortable to wear a half eternity or 3/4 eternity style. Larger, full eternity rings have been known to be more likely to dig into the skin.

18K rose gold solitaire with white-_-pink-diamonds-set-in-the-gallery with matching wedding band

Types of eternity rings

There are three main types of eternity rings, a full eternity ring, a 3/4 eternity ring, and a half eternity ring. As their names would imply, these are eternity rings that feature gemstones set throughout the entire band, and then eternity bands with gemstones set either halfway or 3/4 ways around the band. Having a band without gemstones all the way around is done to create a comfortable ring whose stones won’t dig into the palm of your hand while you wear it. Full eternity bands tend to also be more expensive than a 3/4 or half eternity band, because there are more gemstones or diamonds set into the ring.

Eternity bands can be crafted out of yellow gold, rose gold, white gold or platinum. Choose the metal that best suits your style and personality. Yellow gold adds a luscious warmth to the band, especially when contrasted with sparkling white diamonds. Rose gold adds a beautiful, soft touch and would suit eternity bands that feature a floral pattern. Platinum would perfectly match the icy tones of a diamond.

Full Eternity Rings

A full eternity ring features diamonds throughout the entire band. A full eternity style best suits delicate rings with strong design patterns. When they feature large gemstones, full eternity rings make a great statement piece. The only disadvantages of a full eternity ring style is that it cannot be resized, and it could occasionally be uncomfortable to wear for long periods of time.

Full eternity ring lilac yellow gold

¾ Eternity rings

A 3/4 eternity ring is perfect to have if you love the look of a full eternity band, but you need to leave a bit of space for resizing and comfort. Even if you spread your fingers apart, you would still have the effect of a full eternity band. A 3/4 eternity band will also require less maintenance than a full, because most of the wear and tear is absorbed by the metal sizing bar.

Half eternity rings

A half eternity ring is one of the most common styles of eternity bands, with the main advantages being that the ring can be easily sized and adjusted. Another advantage of a half eternity band is that they can be more affordable because they have less gemstones. The main disadvantage is that if the ring spins slightly, the metal part of the ring will become visible.

What is the best setting for an eternity band?

The best setting for an eternity band depends on what diamond cut is set along the band. For square step cuts, either a claw or channel setting would suit the eternity band. For a round brilliant pavé, a fishtail or micro pavé setting would be perfect for an eternity band. Some eternity bands feature bezel set tiny gemstones to create a strong pattern, using the metal to accentuate the form of the ring.

Eternity rings for men

As with men’s wedding ring styles, the best types of eternity rings for men feature larger gemstones, with emerald cut eternity bands being very trendy at the moment. Men’s eternity rings with step cut diamonds are a fantastic way to include some glamour into your wedding ring style. For those who shy away from sparkling diamonds, a gemstone such as black diamonds or sapphires would be a great alternative. Mix and match your metals too, with platinum and yellow gold eternity bands being a popular style for men.

Eternity rings for women

From a classic pavé and channel set diamond eternity band to delicate floral leaf patterned bands, there are loads of choices for women who want an eternity band. Styles like the Iris ring serve some art deco glamour, the perfect accompaniment to a step cut engagement ring. Styles such as the Lotus eternity ring show us the possibilities of an eternity band, with the intertwining branch design enhancing the symbolism of an eternity band.

Unisex eternity rings

Eternity rings are generally quite unisex in style, as the classic design is a simple row of diamonds set throughout the entirety of a gold band. Styles that feature cuts such as the emerald cut, the round brilliant cut, and the princess cut are popular with both men and women.

Celebrity eternity rings

Celebrities love eternity rings with full rows of diamonds, as they are such a glamorous addition to their already fabulous collection of jewellery! Take a look below at our favourite celebrity eternity rings to inspire your perfect design. There’s always the option to design a bespoke eternity band to create your dream ring.

Blake Lively’s wedding/eternity band was designed to compliment her engagement ring, featuring pavé diamonds set on a very thin and delicate rose gold band.

Katherine Heigl’s eternity band is truly unique, featuring a beautiful row of blue sapphires to contrast with her pear shaped diamond engagement ring.

Emily Blunt’s eternity band features a channel set row of diamonds, which match the art-deco vibe of her round brilliant diamond engagement ring perfectly.

When David Beckham married Victoria Beckham back in the 90’s, it wasn’t just Victoria that got the diamond ring! David himself sported an emerald cut eternity band, which still hasn’t gone out of style to this day.