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A year of self-expression: Our jewellery trend report for 2020/21

It goes without saying, but 2020 has been an unprecedented year. You probably don’t need us to tell you that. But despite the chaos, it’s also provided us with some unprecedented opportunities.

Which is why we’re proud to announce our first ever Taylor & Hart Trend Report, complete with in-depth analysis of the last 12 months of jewellery design and our predictions for the future of human connection.

A global pandemic has affected the way we shop, work and interact. But while many industries saw shrinking audiences and markets, demand for engagement rings and wedding rings continued to climb. It seems obvious now, but this year our team made the realisation that while you can downscale virtually every aspect of your wedding—from the guest list to the catering menu—there’s still going to be one essential thing you need: your rings.

Because people never gave up on love in 2020, we’ve also been afforded the unique opportunity to look back on this past year and identify some surprising trends and patterns—not only in terms of jewellery design, but also when it comes to social and cultural attitudes towards love and relationships.

Traditions are changing, from the way we propose to how we buy our engagement rings to how we live out our most important relationships.

By examining increases in internet searches, analysing data about engagement ring trends, and looking at the impact of a global pandemic, this report identifies what trends are on the rise in the world of jewellery. We’re thrilled to share it with you.

And perhaps most excitingly, this report also captures something about how we express love when it matters most. Proving that when the world feels upside down, we still have our human connection. It’s part of why we make love our life’s work.

In an increasingly fluctuating environment for brands and consumer behaviour, we need to rethink how we connect with young people not just as consumers but as individuals.

The challenges of this past year are undeniable, but positive change is coming. Uncertainty has made us reckon with our commitment to a sustainable future. Lockdown has allowed us to take time in thinking about design and self-expression. A craving for individuality is producing bolder and more diverse expressions of love. All of that is worth getting excited about.

Here’s to 2021 and all that it has in store.